Low and No Products Are “Ingrained” In The Culture Of Drinking

The growing trend of low and no servings is “maturing” and “ingrained” in culture as items become increasingly “in their own right” to be consumed with alcohol.

According to Becky Keane, co-founder of low and no brewery Nirvana in Leyton, East London, UK, there is a “misconception” that people only choose alcohol-free drinks because they are tee total, but this is most definitely “not the case.”

She said: “The consumer demand for low and no is really maturing and becoming much more about a product of its own right that people will have alongside alcoholic serves or other products on tap.

“Having alcohol free beer on tap is a really big trend we’re seeing and that demonstrates people are looking for this sort of thing more regularly and [that it’s becoming] more ingrained in the culture of everyday drinking, it’s not just a one off.”

Although Keane pointed out that alcohol-free goods are not limited to beer on tap, this practice is nonetheless prevalent.

Read the full story HERE

SOURCE: The Morning Advertiser
PHOTO CREDIT: The Morning Advertiser