This Company Creates Intoxicating Spirits That Don’t Contain Alcohol And Leave You Feeling Hungover

The Hertfordshire-based GABA Labs introduced Sentia, a spirit, last year. It mimics the effects of alcohol but, importantly, is alcohol-free. The beverage’s development team, directed by Professor David Nutt, a former government drug czar, has now disclosed intentions to expand its product line in 2024, adding sparkling wines and non-alcoholic beers.

The products from GABA Labs feature a proprietary combination of botanicals that successfully fool your brain’s internal chemistry into thinking you’re feeling better, whereas other non-alcohol drinks only try to mimic the flavour of the original beverage. It appears that you are intoxicated.

Sentia costs less than £30 a bottle, although on closer inspection, it has roughly a dozen more components than the average drink: ginseng, black cardamom, orange peel, sage, magnolia, Nigerian ginger, ginkgo, wormwood, and more. Along with this, the label includes a disclaimer similar to many of the drinks it aims to mimic: Do not drink if you are pregnant or nursing.

“We have several products we want to bring to market during 2024 and we’re very excited,” said co-founder David Oren.

He said, “It will be beer or a variety of beer, and also sparkling wine; it’s a drink similar to Champagne, which has worked very well with the limited tests we’ve done.”

The two flavours of GABA Labs’ currently-available products are red and black. Regarding serving, they advise either sipping it on its own or combining it with ginger ale or another soft drink.

Read the full story HERE

SOURCE: Nation World News Desk
PHOTO CREDIT: Sentia Spirits