Kvass is Returning Because of the Low-ABV Beverage Trend

There was kefir first, then kombucha. It appears like kvass is going to be the next fermented drink that checks off a number of requirements. Probiotic-rich and well-known for its tangy, refreshing taste, kvass is also incredibly sustainable, leveraging one of the most often discarded food items: bread, of which 100 million tons are thrown away annually worldwide.

Kvass originated in the Slavic and Baltic areas, where it has been consumed for over a millennium. Lacto-fermented kvass, traditionally prepared with stale bread, flour, and occasionally beets, is excellent for your digestive system, which is one of the reasons why some people have begun preparing it at home. One such person is YouTuber Charlé Visser (Pants Down Aprons On), who produces his version at home.

“I had known about kvass for a long time,” says Todd Boera, founder of Fonta Flora Brewery in Morganton, North Carolina, who has family roots in Eastern Europe. “As Fonta Flora Brewery was becoming a reality, I always knew kvass would play a role.”

Read the full story HERE.

SOURCE: Insidehook
PHOTO CREDIT: Demory Paris